Plenary speakers:
1. Yasuhiro Suzuki (NIFS, Japan), Development of 3D MHD equilibrium and advanced magnetic configurations
2. Youwen Sun (ASIPP, China), Full ELM suppression in low input torque plasmas for ITER using n=4 RMP in EAST
3. José Manuel García Regaña (CIEMAT, Spain), Electrostatic gyrokinetic turbulence in stellarators and its role in the transport of impurities
4. Naoko Ashikawa (NIFS, Japan), Control of fuel retention for a long pulse operation
Invited speakers:
1. Yuhong Xu (SWJTU, China), Configuration characteristics of the Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator (CFQS)
2. Guoyong Fu (ZJU, China), The Linked Mirror Approach to Fusion
3. Qingquan Yu (IPP Garching, Germany), Effect of resonant helical field on plasma current density gradient and neoclassical tearing mode
4. Nengchao Wang (HUST, China), Formation and control of the 3/1 locked island in the plasma boundary on J-TEXT
5. Yi Liu (SWIP, China), Feature of the mitigation and suppression of ELM in the application of RMP on the HL-2A tokamak
6. Li Li (DHU, China), Optimization of RMP ELM control for various ITER scenarios
7. Qiming Hu (PPPL, USA), On the Role of Edge Resonant Magnetic Field Penetration in ELM suppression in the DIII-D ITER-like Plasmas
8. Morgan Shafer (ORNL, USA), Limits of RMP ELM suppression in double null
9. Min Jiang (SWIP, China), A mean field model of the L-H transition in a stochastic magnetic field
10. E. Neto (EPFL, Switzerland), Heavy impurity transport in the presence of 3D MHD ideal saturated modes, rotation and ambipolar electric field
11. G. Bustos Ramirez (EPFL, Switzerland), The operating space of Edge Harmonic Oscillations in Static Plasmas
12. M. Machielsen (EPFL, Switzerland), Self-consistent modelling of the electric field and minority distribution function for realistic RF heating and fast ion generation in W7-X
13. Andreas Wingen (ORNL, USA), New heat flux model for non-axisymmetric divertor infrared structures
14. Alexander Knieps (FZJ, Germany), Plasma beta effects on the island divertor of Wendelstein 7-X
15. Shuai Xu (FZJ, Germany), Simulations of 3D edge plasma transports in high-beta high-density scenarios on W7-X with the island divertor
16. Carsten Killer (IPP Greifswald, Germany), Turbulence in the SOL and island divertor of W7-X