Numerical simulation of plasmas instabilities by applying non-resonant magnetic perturbations on J-TEXT
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Updated Time:2021-07-13 08:15:43
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-12 11:40 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[E] E-poster » [E] E-poster
Simulations of the influence of external non-resonant magnetic perturbation field (non-RMP) on plasma instabilities are performed with the 3D magnetohydrodynamic code called NIMROD. And non-RMP with the dominant mode of m/n=-1/1 is used as the boundary condition of NIMROD simulations. Simulation results show that magnetic perturbation of plasma is supressed with the addition of non-RMP. And in a certain range, the larger the amplitude of the non-RMP is, the more obvious the suppression effects on plasmas perturbation of n=1 is. Moreover, the effects of non-RMP on plasma disruption is investigated. It was found that non-RMP could not only significantly reduce the amplitude and rate of instability growth, but also delay the TQ and CQ timeduring disruption.
plasma instabilities;non-resonant magnetic perturbation field;numerical simulation

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