Three dimensional MHD analysis on J-TEXT tokamak with MIPS
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Updated Time:2021-06-29 14:19:12
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-12 08:20 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[E] E-poster » [E] E-poster
The nonlinear, 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code Infrastructure for Plasma Simulation (MIPS) [1] is used to study tokamak plasma on J-TEXT for the first time. MIPS’s results can be obtained by starting with a stable MHD equilibrium from HINT [2] which provides 3D configuration rather than 2D equilibrium mixed external magnetic perturbation without internal balance between the pressure of plasma and electromagnetic forces. Sawtooth oscillations [3] are one of most important MHD instability in tokamak plasma. They affect the confinement of core plasma or even trigger disruption in some situations. Sawtooth research on J-TEXT have rich results. Here, sawtooth crash has been reproduced and analyzed for benchmark of MIPS on tokamak. X-point of island in core increases pressure gradient and helps heat transport during crash. Results are contrasted and compared with experiences and other simulation codes.
MIPS;3D equilibrium;MHD instability;sawtooth crash

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